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Corrosion in foundations: risks and protection strategies

Corrosion in foundations: risks and protection strategies

In the world of civil engineering and industrial machinery installation, the durability and stability of foundations are essential for the safe and efficient operation of equipment. However, one of the biggest enemies of structural integrity is corrosion. This phenomenon not only affects the aesthetics of installations but can also seriously compromise the safety and operability of industrial equipment.

What is corrosion in foundations?

Corrosion is a natural process that occurs when metallic materials react with the environment, producing oxides and other compounds. In the case of foundations, which are often in contact with the ground and exposed to moisture, oxygen and other corrosive agents, corrosion is a constant risk. This degradation can affect both the metallic structures embedded in the foundations and the anchor bolts and other critical components.

How is corrosion caused?

Corrosion is initiated when metals, such as steel used in foundations, meet corrosive agents present in the environment. Some factors that exacerbate corrosion include:

  • The presence of moisture and water, especially saline or acidic water, accelerates the oxidation of metals.
  • Exposure to air and oxygen, as oxygen is an essential component in the corrosion process.
  • Chemical contaminants such as chlorides, sulphates and other substances present in the soil can accelerate deterioration.
  • Weather conditions and extreme variations in temperature and humidity can increase the rate of corrosion.

Consequences of corrosion

Corrosion has multiple detrimental effects on foundations and equipment reliability:

  • Equipment misalignment: as corrosion weakens anchor bolts and other connections, equipment can become misaligned. This not only reduces operational efficiency, but also increases wear and tear and can lead to mechanical failure.
  • Unwanted forces and cracks: Rust expansion can generate internal forces in structures, causing cracks and other damage to the surrounding material. This is particularly dangerous in supporting structures where any weakening can have catastrophic consequences.
  • Loss of structural integrity: Corrosion reduces the effective cross-section of metal components, decreasing their ability to support loads. This can lead to partial or total collapse of the structure.
  • Increased maintenance and repair costs: The need for frequent repairs and replacement of corroded components increases operational and maintenance costs.

At Apoltec, we understand the challenges that corrosion presents to industry. Our expertise in foundation repair and reinforcement, Equipment installation and reinstallation, epoxy grouting and anchor bolt repair and replacement enables us to provide durable and effective solutions. Whether you are facing stability issues due to structural design flaws or degradation caused by corrosion, our team of experts is ready to intervene. Contact us for more information.

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